Welcome to my blog. I’ll write mostly about things like procgen, programming language theory, gamedev, and game design
We Need Simpler Types
Dependent types, refinement types, gradual types, rank-n polymorphism, etc, – we are moving in the right direction
Simultaneous Turns
Simultaneous turns are useful for providing balanced parallel turn-based gameplay, but they will also provide you with a lot of design challenges
Triangle Grids
Grids are great for tactical gameplay of turn-based games because they allow discrete movement steps. That means that you can bind positioning to other resources such as movement points, action points, food, etc. Grids divide the infinite variety of movement options into a few specific ones, which can be considered separately by the player’s tactical mind. The most popular grid types are hexes and squares. But what about triangles?
Fog for Top-Down Games
This fog looks almost like volumetrics but takes almost no time to render
GRPC with Unreal Engine
There was some unsolved issues in my old Medium article, dozens of people viewed it every day and tried to use it nevetheless, so I deleted it. Now there are no issues, and it’s possible to link and flawlessly use protobuf without restrictions
c(x) intro
Design and Implementation of Programming Language with Generalized Sets, Types, and Functions as First-Class Values